Deck roofing is a type of flat roofing used in all types of non-residential buildings, such as warehouses, hypermarkets, sports centres, shopping centres and all types of industrial buildings.
Rigid stone wool panel, non-hydrophilic, uncoated. Due to its excellent thermal and acoustic performance, it is the best option for light metal roofs with high maintenance and photovoltaic installations.
ISOVER stone wool rigid panel, non-hydrophilic, coated on one side with an oxyasphalt complex and a thermofusible polyethylene film.
Due to its excellent thermo-acoustic and mechanical performance, IXXO is the best option for:
This construction system is especially recommended when a minimum slope of 1-3% is required. It should be noted that the Deck roof cannot be walked on, so maintenance areas must be provided. A Deck roof is an integral system consisting of a corrugated sheet metal support, on which a rigid insulating core and a waterproofing system are anchored.
We are leaders in the manufacture of metallic mineral wool sandwich panels, as well as in the development of acoustic and fire protection solutions.
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